Derila pillow, fake websites and store reliability

Learn more about Derila and who sells it

Derila is a memory foam cervical pillow. Its great success after an extensive advertising campaign by its distributors has also generated a large increase in counterfeits and scams. So let’s analyze in depth the official sales website and the online stores that sell this counterfeit product.

First of all, is the Derila pillow a fake product?

The company that markets the Derila pillow under its own brand is the importer Orbio. This company has its own production plant and they review the manufacturing process looking for real minimum quality standards that are satisfactory for the user.

Real store of Derila pillow

Is the distributor company reliable?

Another detail that allows us to assess whether the Derila pillow is a counterfeit is direct contact with customers and the distributor company. In this case, we have both, since we have direct contact with Orbio’s customer service and with affiliation and marketing representatives. As is normal, they have assured us that there is a percentage of complaints of around 4%, and that the company always resolves them when the customer purchases from the official sales website.

In addition, this company has storage of the product in several countries around the world, which allows for fast and efficient distribution, thus reducing delivery problems.

Secure sales website

The official Derila purchase page also uses the https protocol. This indicates that all our payment information is transmitted securely encrypted. The risk of data theft is much lower than on sites that do not use this protocol.

Payment gateways as an anti-fraud indicator

Another indicator that we are dealing with a product that is not a scamwhen we buy from the official website is that the Paypal payment gateway is active. When a company receives a high percentage of complaints, Paypal usually withdraws the service to that company.

Derila secure payment

Buyer comments on Derila

Another detail we have looked at is the comments on different rating portals. The overall rating on Trustpilot for example, is average, but it is very possible that many customers have been deceived on fake portals, since each buyer complains about a purchase at a different price, ranging from $13 to $65 or in stores for a different price such as £49. In these cases, it is possible that they have bought from fake online stores that impersonate the official one and then complain about the official one.

Taking into account these elements and the knowledge of the company’s environment, I can assure you that the official website of Derila meets the characteristics that differentiate it from a scam. The product may be of better or worse quality, but they don’t scam people on deliveries or by sending fake products.

How can I make a claim if there are problems with my purchase of Derila?

If we have bought the pillow from the official store, we will have no problem getting our money back or changing the product if it is defective, the delivery does not arrive or any precancellation occurs. We always recommend taking screenshots and saving both the purchase URL and the purchase order. With this, Paypal will refund our money if we are victims of a fraudulent sale.

Pages that falsify the identity of the Derila pillow

We have compiled a list of websites and seller profiles from Amazon, Aliexpress etc. that are selling a pillow similar to Derila but which is actually a counterfeit and in many cases is not even shipped. Most are of unknown origin and show the images from the official website to deceive buyers, but they actually sell generic products.


All of these sites sell pillows under the name Derila, but they are actually imitations. It is possible that if you have purchased from one of these sites or another similar one, you will lose your money, and also, your bank details will fall into the wrong hands. It is advisable in these cases, to cancel the order and closely monitor any suspicious activity on your card or Paypal account.

If you find fraudulent Derila sales portals, do not hesitate to let us know. You can leave a comment below with the link to the website that is carrying out the scam, if it complies with our guidelines, we will approve it.

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